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Human Design for Business Training

My 1 hour Human Design for Business Training teaches you how to tune into your authenticity in order to experience more success in your career and business. It also teaches you how to promote yourself and interact with people with other designs.
This workshop is for you if you want to:
✨Build and run your business and promote yourself or manifest your ideal career with more ease by doing it in alignment with your Design

✨You are a coach (health, mindset, business etc.) and want to learn more about how to best support your clients based on their design (whether they are meant to be consistent, strategic etc.)
What is Human Design?
Human Design is the science of differentiation- it teaches us that we all operate so differently and we all have unique paths to success, joy and health.
Human Design tells you about your authentic self underneath the conditioning and programming you picked up from the world.
It also guides you on how to use your energy more effectively, tells you about your unique flavor of intuition and how to make the right decisions for yourself.
It shows you your superpowers, your gifts and talents and helps you live your purpose more fully.
It also tells you how to eat, exercise and sleep for your design.
How has Human Design improved my life?
Human Design has helped me realize that I’m designed perfectly and assisted me in accepting and loving myself. I was able to release self judgment, manifest my desires more easily and create a magical life that I love. I was also able to heal more easily by honoring my design in the way I take care of my body. 
Many of my clients have experienced quantum leaps in terms of experiencing more abundance, joy and improved health.
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Human Design for Business
$22.00 USD

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Human Design for Business
$22.00 USD